New Year’s has rolled around and with it comes all the resolutions, the exercise plans, the diets, the organizational systems, and all the wishing and wanting for a “new” us.
As a younger Christian I made a lot of resolutions to conquer facets of my Christian walk, with full, dedicated abandon, not really understanding the depth of my need. I remember declaring after a women’s retreat I had surrendered my attitudes of unbelief to the Lord..yeah. I had, but unbelief was something I’d have to surrender more than once… a lot more than once!
Now, most New Year’s, I commit to “better.” To keep growing and, yes, I usually select an area or two to really focus on. But that notion that this year I’ll arrive, I’ll finally conquer XYZ, that concept has been laid aside for an honest, humble, pursuit after growth. My husband doesn’t love New Year’s as much as me. He says, “If I know something needs to change in me, why would I wait to start making those changes for some arbitrary date on the calendar?” Me, I like that fresh start feeling. Maybe I also need that “ready, set, GO!” feeling that comes with a new year. But in Christ, we are privileged to live in that state of fresh grace every moment of the day. So! On to better living!
2 Corinthians 3:18 says we are “being transformed into the same image (as Christ) from glory to glory.” So our pursuit of growth and becoming more like Christ is from glory to glory… better and better, until we finally arrive in heaven.
This devotional series will focus on what Scripture says is “better”… you might be surprised what God brings up and what He doesn’t! I am praying that we all roll up our sleeves and our heart-doors that we’d let His word permeate us deeply; that we’d be willing to act on His “better” directives and make changes so that less obstacles would hinder us from living the better life He has called us to!
Better Concept #1: There’s nothing better than God’s Word/Wisdom
The law of Your mouth is better to me
Than thousands of gold and silver pieces.
Psalm 119:72
For her [God’s Wisdom] profit is better than the profit of silver
And her gain better than fine gold.
She is more precious than jewels;
And nothing you desire compares with her.
Proverbs 3:14-15 NAS
I desire lots of stuff… a clean an organized home, time with friends, to finish that scrapbook I’ve been working on for forever, to always remember birthdays (goodnight! that one is on my resolution list every year!), to get through all the books on my reading list, for these pookie pounds to come off, to quit being late, for the refrigerator to always sparkle, for my family to be in a constant state of unity and bliss; and while we’re dreaming, for my hair to calm down and quit being so wild and unruly! These verses say that God’s Word and the wisdom that comes from it are better than any wealth, career advancement, prestige, better than any clean house or behaving hair… or anything else you can pile up on that load of wishes.
So as you and I assess the resolutions and priorities for the New Year, getting God’s Word into us ought to rank number one!
May God’s word comfort, change, convict, challenge and rescue you this coming year!
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