Whether you are single right now, or are involved with a single friend or singles ministry, today’s give-away is a great resource and blessing!
10 Best Decisions a Single Can Make was written by Bill and Pam Farrel to be an encouragement for singles to embrace all that God has for them during this special and pivotal season of life! The Lord used Pam during this very season in my life and it was through her and Bill’s example that my husband and I learned many important facets necessary to our marriage, ministry and life as individuals.
If you’re a single, I can’t recommend this book enough! If you’re a married person, but have felt a tug on your heart toward singles, consider using this book to start a book group at your church. Book groups are one of my favorite discipleship tools because there is enough freedom in the general discussion of the topics the author brings up and also opportunity to add some very purposeful, structured instruction and Bible study to the conversation as well.

If you’re married – make a point of encouraging a single person in your life toward purity, faith and growth in Christ!
To win the book:
1. Like/follow Motl Ministries on facebook or twitter (if you haven’t already)
2. Then leave a comment or share the link from fb/twitter to be entered! We’ll be able to see your comment or share.
3. For some of you who don’t use facebook or twitter, you can send us an email stating that you’d like to be entered in the give-away.
4. Drawings are open from Friday to Thursday of the next week. Then each Friday we will announce the winner of last week’s drawing and the new give-away. Entries are shuffled and the winner is selected randomly.
2. Then leave a comment or share the link from fb/twitter to be entered! We’ll be able to see your comment or share.
3. For some of you who don’t use facebook or twitter, you can send us an email stating that you’d like to be entered in the give-away.
4. Drawings are open from Friday to Thursday of the next week. Then each Friday we will announce the winner of last week’s drawing and the new give-away. Entries are shuffled and the winner is selected randomly.
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